Friday, October 28, 2011

trying to play catch up

holy moly.... life is crazy.
 it's starting to calm down a bit, obviously, my wedding is over, 
but, starting a new life with someone is pretty crazy in itself! 
i really don't even know how to begin to try and recap! 
so, i think i am going to just basically list my life off for the past month 
and show a few pics from each event! 
(p.s. they might not be in perfect chronological order but deal with it.)
and be prepared for  this to be long... but it's mostly photos!

with the wedding around the corner, i didn't get to do much climbing the couple of months before but i did get to go out with andy and his friend austin for my first time trad climbing!

since andy's older brother got married a few weeks before us, andy's mom threw jessie and i a combined shower. it was awesome to finally meet some of andy's family and to see old friends! i scored on gifts and a combined shower is the way to go!
 that way not everyone's eyes are ALWAYS on you! and you get double the gifts!... ha ha!

andy's older brother jeff got married to jessie!

i am so blessed. i got to have another shower with family, close friends, new friends and old friends. these showers blew me away with people showing their love and support. it was such a crazy feeling to be having my own bridal shower! i've been to so many showers and now they were finally for me! CRAZY TOWN!

dirty dash 2011!!!
our team name = the dirty staches

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