Saturday, April 30, 2011

holland and kady time

does anybody else find it super-dee-duper hard to keep up with old friends that have moved away?! 
why do i struggle with this so badly?!
i even have a hard time keeping in touch with the people that i loved so much and had amazing experiences with on my mission! 
man, i'm lame.
luckily, i have friends that keep in touch with me. holland and kady are two of those friends. 

holland and i met one special summer many, many moons ago. and kady and i worked at red robin together for a few years. somehow, all three of us became besties and were inseparable. it's funny because all three of us are so opposite from each other in style and personalities and dreams. i mean, we do have a lot in common but i love how different all three of us are. 

kady eventually went off and got married and had a beautiful baby boy named avenue and he just turned two.  and she is prego with her second child right now! hoping for a girl!

holland moved to salt lake and graduated from the u of u and is our business-city woman and she's in love! our little holland is in love! we love it!

and then there's me... a returned missionary, working full-time, lovin' on andy and rock climbing. 

we had a great little dinner at a sushi place in draper called tsunami (thought it was a little unfortunate about the name!)

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